
Wellness And Rejuvenation

Wellness And Rejuvenation2019-06-28T10:41:03+00:00
About the Retreats
About the Location
Sulasthya : 7 Days Luxury Wellness Program

When we say wellness, we mean it in every sense of the word. This is a program that will bring out the ‘Wow ! I feel like a new person’ reaction in you.

Rasayana: 7 Day Rejuvenation Program

This program is all about rejuvenation. You will leave feeling you have just received a new lease of life and are firmly on the path to better health

Ayusha: 7 Day Gift of Life Program

This holistic program directly addresses quality of life. It is non-invasive, effective and works from the inside out to rejuvenate your system.

Swastyaahara: 7 Day Wellness Program + Ayurvedic Cooking

This package also offers a complete wellness program together with an Ayurvedic cooking program.

Jeevana Vidhana: 7 Day Lifestyle Booster Program

This program includes invaluable Ayurvedic knowledge on how to achieve lifestyle changes leading to a healthier lifestyle. You will not only feel rejuvenated during the program, but you will know how to rejuvenate yourself once you return home.