
Optimising Energy

Article contributed By Shruti Chaudarry

Optimal energy is not just a lot of energy! Do we need optimal energy to go to the washroom? What is the optimal energy to negotiate a contract? The Optimising Energy 1 course creates the best or optimal energy for each situation. The course teaches a few things that help us relax into our nature which will give the perfect optimal energy for every occasion and further, by practising these few things we will establish a new baseline of optimal energy.

About 6,000 people all over the globe have taken Optimising Energy 1. This 2-day workshop has been instrumental in opening up a dimension within themselves that they had not experienced before. Participants have a clear experience of 12 life supportive energies and have learnt techniques that they can implement to replenish these energies within.

Practice of these techniques have made their sadhana practices deeper. They have also reported that they found relief in various chronic conditions. A sense of wellness is restored.  Fundamentally, this course makes you realise how having Optimal Energy impacts each and every aspect of your life and how within a matter of about 5 minutes you can alter your energetic state to lead a very fulfilling and productive life. Regular practice of these easy techniques will guarantee an upgrade in the quality of your life.

Do explore our offerings https://www.srisritattvapanchakarma.com/optimising-energy/
