
Time to put health first for working mothers

The dynamic and multi-tasking woman of today is a successful professional, a caring mother, a loving wife, a home maker and juggles between her multiple responsibilities. UN reports suggest that globally, women do thrice the unpaid work by caring for children and family, routine household chores and domestic production for own consumption. Another UN survey suggests that if India can increase the female workforce participation by 10%, the country could increase its GDP 16% by 2025. This proves how active participation from women can even turn the wheels of our economy.

Amidst all the priorities and expectations both at work and at home, women are often left to ponder about their needs that they often tend to miss in the hustle-bustle. Managing time to put their feet up and relax is deemed a luxury for most working mothers while on the run to balance professional and personal life. The lack of quality time for themselves have made most moms vulnerable that leads to high stress and anxiety that are also coupled with early onset of health conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, gynaecological issues, etc. Additionally, being preoccupied with work and managing family and children, their personal grooming also takes a backseat. Here arises the need for a comprehensive routine that addresses the health concerns of an active woman while also being their go-to remedy for stress relief and relaxation. Also, as mothers they have tremendous influence on the health and wellbeing of their children and family and is equally responsible to offer support to children to help keep up with the overall competition they undergo from peers. It is of high preponderance that a mother should be healthy to extend complete support to her children in their upbringing and have a positive influence.

Aligning to this, health should be the priority for a working mom and she can benefit from the goodness of Ayurveda to prevent health conditions, maintain good health and longevity. The Ayurvedic wisdom offers a holistic approach to promote the health of a woman through the various phases she is undergoing by providing adequate treatment modules, dietary habits and lifestyle regime. In consultation with an Ayurvedic physician, a treatment plan befitting the mother’s health concerns can be devised to ensure her health and wellness.

Ayurvedic recommendations to balance a healthy pregnancy and work
Today, the women are dynamic and ready to take up challenges at work, even while they are expecting. Moms-to-be nowadays manage to work through their pregnancy till childbirth. Adequate care is required during pregnancy for both the health of the child and well-being of mother as hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, stretch marks and gestational health issues such as blood pressure, diabetes and thyroid problems arise in different stages of pregnancy. Stress is also found to be high in pregnant women. Ayurveda advises a balanced diet, adequate sleep of seven hours and meditation and yoga that will help sustain good health as well as for stress management during pregnancy.

In addition, because of the increased production of estrogen during pregnancy, the body produces extra melanin, the brown or black pigmentation that causes skin darkening. To manage this and to have a radiant as well as toned skin, it is recommended to have exclusive therapies like Kaya Lepam, Chlorophyll Body Wrap, Turmeric Body Wrap, Shankara Ayurveda Facials, etc. that also benefit deep relaxation.

After the delivery, it is recommended that the new mothers undergo detox programs and Ayurveda massages to regain health while also for toning their muscles and to look fit. Ayurveda treatments include Uzhichil, Udhwartana, etc. can be performed for the same in consultation with a doctor.

After pregnancy, most of the women experience lack of sleep and tend to follow an irregular diet that leads to conditions like hormonal imbalances, sluggish liver functions, metabolic disorders, varicose vein, etc. which are common especially in working women. Obesity is also predominant in these cases due to an unorganized lifestyle and lack of exercises. Health problems like back pain and body stiffness are also often involved with cesarean deliveries for which Ayurveda offers postnatal treatments like Kati Basti, Patra Pinda Sweda, Pizhichil, etc. that will help in reducing these conditions by hydrating the bones and increasing blood circulation. It is also useful to practice yoga and meditation along with the aforesaid treatments to increase flexibility of the body.

Health advices for working mothers
There is no debate about the fact that a working mother does have a lot on her plate to handle both at work and home. Many working moms experience extreme levels of stress and severe strain on their body while managing different responsibilities. Ayurveda recommends regular Anti-stress programs and treatments to maintain health and to help keep calm to balance home and work. Regular Nadi Pariksha or pulse diagnosis along with Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga, Shirodhara is recommended to ensure both physical as well as mental health.

Irregular diet and inadequate nutrition are also common among most busy moms. While on the run to meet work deadlines or to attend to their child’s needs, many even forgo their meal routines. The diet of an active woman should ensure sufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein and carbohydrate to fuel their body for the many tasks at hand. Regular practice of yoga and meditation combined with occasional indulgence in self through Ayurvedic massages and detox therapies are also highly beneficial for moms who are always on the move.

Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma offers exclusive Women’s Care Package which combines the benefits of classical Ayurveda with Alternative Therapies, Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, dietary modules and lifestyle recommendations for a holistic wellness approach to women’s health. For details on our treatments and therapies, kindly write to us at reservations@srisritattva.com or Whatsapp us at +91 9620211000.

Dr. Mitali Madhusmita
Senior Ayurvedic Physician
Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma
