
Promoting Health And Well-Being In Children


Childhood marks a significant phase in a human being’s life and is often attributed as an important factor which influences his growth and development. In today’s world, the importance of childcare can be found diminishing owing to the new lifestyle conditions that diverge from the traditional childrearing practices that ensured health and well-being of a child from infancy to adulthood.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda aims at a holistic well-being of an individual by nurturing each stage of life. In classical Ayurveda texts, aspects of care for early phases of life are integrated under childcare practices that are directed towards healthcare routines, building immunity and longevity.

We have formulated a unique approach to childcare that befits children’s needs by integrating the physical and psychological care required in childhood, this holistic approach forms the requisite for the health and well-being of a child.

As per Ayurveda, the growth stages of a child is divided into five based on the age and developmental changes in his body. Ayurveda prescribes efficient therapies and treatments along with lifestyle changes, dietary habits and exercises for each of these phases to help build a proper health care regime appropriate for the growing child. Following an Ayurvedic lifestyle for children should only be made in consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor who will help formulate the approach based on the physiological changes, Prakriti type and lifestyle the child is subjected to in the current phase of his life.

Infancy: 0 – 11 months

The primary phase of life is outlined by infancy which marks the stage from birth to eleven months. A new-born baby out of the comfort and safety of his mother’s womb is highly prone to the vulnerabilities of the new environment. Building a strong immune system is vital at this stage to strengthen the infant’s body against infections and diseases.

Ayurveda recommends special massages to improve blood circulation and to strengthen the body until the infant improves his adaptability to the new environment. Also, in consultation with the Ayurvedic doctor, immunization programs can be designed to ensure the infant’s health. Sri Sri Suvarnaprashanam is one such Ayurvedic immunization program developed to increase immunity and to prevent common recurrent infections and allergic conditions. A safe combination of bio-available form of gold, Ayurvedic immune-modulators and brain tonics, Sri Sri Suvarnaprashana can be regularly administered from birth to twelve years of age to bestow excellent health benefits.

Toddler: 1 – 3 years
A toddler of one to three years of age marks the secondary phase. In this growing stage, Ayurvedic massages with Shiro Pichu in consultation with the doctor is recommended for enhancing brain development and improving blood circulation. Also at this phase, a child may go through delayed milestones which are characterized by poor head and neck control, late speech and walking and concerns over neuro-muscular co-ordination. In such cases, Ayurveda highly recommends Panchakarma therapy with oral medications.

Early childhood: 4 – 5 years
Four to five years of age is defined as the early childhood stage which marks the child’s first step to education. And in schools, a child is subjected to an unprotected environment where he comes in contact with other children who possess varying levels of immunity. He is prone to contract infections and diseases from his peers and requires strong immunity for a healthy living. Ayurveda recommends Nadi Pariksha, an age-old Ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through pulse to determine the proper diet, physical activities and herbal supplements for the child for his wellbeing during initial school years.

Childhood: 6 – 8 years
The fourth phase is the childhood which includes the age group from six to eight years. This phase is characterized by issues related to concentration, peer pressure, insecurities, hyperactivity and aggressiveness. Ayurveda offers significant remedies for these problems through medications like brahmarasayana, medhya rasayana, etc., which can be consumed upon a doctor’s instruction. The Intuition Process at the Art of Living includes meditation and relaxation techniques to help children overcome their inner fears.

Pre-adolescent and adolescent: 9 – 16 years
The fifth phase of a child’s development process is marked by pre-adolescent and adolescent stages which includes an age group of nine to sixteen years. This is an age group which witnesses drastic physical and psychological changes which make the children prone to mind-related issues. Exclusive programmes like ART Excel, Intuition Process and Yes!+ developed at the Art of Living is highly beneficial for building concentration and helping children focus in their studies. It is also highly recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor at this stage for a Nadi Pariksha to understand the change of prakriti in the child and also to determine right dietary habits and exercises for being productive and staying focused. This is also the stage at which children seeks independence and are prone to distractions. With doctor’s help, exclusive Ayurvedic therapies according to the child’s body type can be decided to calm his wavering mind and body and to direct him towards good health.

Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma offer a unique approach to child healthcare which integrates the benefits of Ayurveda, yoga and meditation for a healthy mind and body. Understanding the significance of Ayurveda in childcare, an Ayurvedic lifestyle replete with therapies, treatments, dietary modules and physical activities is exclusively formulated for a wholesome approach towards the health and well-being of a child. For details on our treatments and therapies, kindly write to us at info@ssapd.org or Whatsapp us at +91 9620211000.

Dr. Mitali Madhusmita,
Senior Ayurvedic Physician
Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma
