
Article contributed By Dr Siya Dessai

Are you suffering from headaches/migraines, eye sight problems, oily hair/dandruff, white coated tongue, bad breath, sensitive gums, dark coloured urine, physical fatigue, insomnia, joint pain at the right side – then definitely the motion of your liver is being compromised.

Now, the motion of the liver can be compromised due to restrictions, fixations or adhesions and hence it causes a wide range of effects on the system and also because the liver has many ranges of functions to perform.

Let us understand what the liver does

It breaks down or modifies toxic substances such as antibiotics, environmental toxins and chemicals. It helps in the production of bile required for emulsifying fats. It is involved in amino acid synthesis, carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. It also helps to store a variety of nutrients essential for the body including glucose, vitamin A/D/B12, iron and copper.

Where is the liver located in the body?

The liver is the largest digestive and exocrine gland of the body. It is triangular in shape and is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm. It weighs up to 2 kg.

Why is free movement of each organ important in the body?

For the organs to function optimally, they should move freely. Any restrictions, fixations or adhesions to other structures will lead to functional impairment of the organ.

The emotional connection.

Osteopathy embraces the concept that the body is a collective unit of mind, body and soul and that is the reason it is important to consider the emotional health of the individual.

As the liver is the biggest organ to metabolise hormones, behaviour and emotional changes may occur if the liver function is compromised. 

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) in women is a good example of how hormones spike during the monthly cycle. Some women can feel anxious, depressed or angry. Men also experience hormonal changes; however, the changes may be more subtle when compared with the changes in women.

By releasing any restrictions and adhesions around the liver, the functional ability to metabolise hormones will improve and therefore may elevate and balance the emotional state of the individual.
