
Article contributed By Dr. Sneha Dinesh Patel B.A.M.S., M.D.(Ayu)

Satvic, Rajasika and Tamasika are the three main constitutions and they have seven, six and three subtypes respectively. Sattva represents the essence, light or heat, kindness, truth, faith and good memory. It is the quality of intelligence, virtue and goodness. It creates harmony, balance and stability. It is light and luminous in nature. 

Rajas is stimulating. It provides pleasure, however, owing to its unbalanced nature it quickly results in pain and suffering. It introduces a disequilibrium that upsets an existing balance.

Among these, Sattva is not a Dosha because it is Nirvikar (immutable). The other two. Rajas and Tamas are Manshika Dosha of the individual. These three Gunas play a vital role in forming the Mansika Prakriti of the individual. Predominance of any Gunas presents various characteristics upon which the Mansika Prakriti is identified.

Sattvika Prakruti is best among all because of the predominance of Sattva which is considered eternally pure as it is not likely to vitiate or get vitiated. Rajas and Tamas are considered as Manasika Doshas in Ayurveda.

Individuals with Rajasika and Tamasika Prakruti are more susceptible to various diseases related to mind and body and these diseases are difficult to cure in comparison to individuals with Sattvika Prakruti. So physical and mental health of the person and personality traits depends upon the Manasik prakriti.

Rajasika and Tamasika Prakruti persons are more prone to tardiness, are less obedient and also have less bearing capacity of painful conditions in comparison to Sattvika Prakruti.

Sattvik Prakruti:

  1. Brahma Kaya:
    One who is pure, devoted to truth, self controller, of right discrimination. Endowed with knowledge, understanding and power of exposition and reply. Possessed of memory, free from desire, anger, greed, conceit, infatuation, envy, dejection and intolerance. Equally well disposed to all creatures. This is known as the Brahmic type.
  2. Rishi Kaya:
    One who is devoted to sacrifice, vows, burnt offerings, celibacy. Devoid of pride, conceit, attachment, hate, infatuation, greed and anger. Endowed with genius , eloquence, understanding and retentive power. This is known as the Rishi type.
  3. Indra Kaya:
    One who is endowed with lordship, is authoritative, given to the performance of sacrifices. Is energetic, endowed with splendour, given to blameless actions. Possessed of foresight and devoted to the pursuit of virtue, wealth and sensory pleasures. This is known as the Indra type.
  4. Yama Kaya:
    One whose conduct is governed by considerations of propriety, who does the right thing, is unassailable. One who is constantly up and about. Who is endowed with good memory. Who sets store by authority and power. Is free from the passions of attachment, envy, hate and infatuation.
  5. Varun Kaya:
    One who is valiant, courageous, clean, intolerant of uncleanliness, devoted to the performance of sacrifices. Fond of aquatic sports and given to pursuits which are not blame-worthy, whose anger and favour are well placed. This is known as the Varun type.
  6. Kubera Kaya:
    One who commands status, honour, luxuries and attendants. Who is devoted to the constant pursuit of virtue, wealth and pleasure. Is clean, patient, given to the pleasures of recreation.
  7. Gandharva Kaya:
    One who is fond of dancing, song, music, praise and is well versed in poetry, anecdotes, history and legends. Is constantly addicted to the pleasures of fragrant unguents, garlands. Is free from envy.

Thus, the Sattvic type is of seven varieties, they are all of the beneficent kind. The first variety, namely the Brahmic is to be considered the purest as the beneficent aspect of the mind is perfectly represented in it.

Rajasik Kaya:

  1. Asura Kaya:
    One who is valiant, despotic, of an envious disposition. Possessed of authority, given to terrifying poses, is pitiless and fond of self-adulation.
  2. Rakshasa Kaya:
    One who is intolerant, implacable, envious, bodes his time and then strikes. Is cruel, gluttonous, inordinately fond of flesh foods. Is of an excessively somnolent and indolent disposition.
  3. Pishacha Kaya:
    One who is a great eater, fond of keeping the company of women in secret. Is unclean, cowardly, a bully. Given to abnormal recreations and diet.
  4. Sarpa (serpent) Kaya:
    One who is brave when excited, touchy, of an indolent disposition, who arouses fear in the beholder and is devoted to food and the pleasures of recreation.
  5. Preta (ghost) Kaya:
    One who is fond of food, whose character, conduct and pastimes are of a very painful description. One who is envious, without discrimination, disinclined to work.
  6. Sakuna (bird) Kaya:
    One who is of strong attachments, who is devoted to the delights of eating and recreation. Is fickle, intolerant and unacquisitive.

Tamsik Prakruti:

  1. Pashu Kaya:
    One who is of a forbidding disposition, intellectual, disgusting in behaviour and dietetic habits. Give to somnolent habits and sexual indulgence.
  2. Mastya Kaya:
    One who is pusillanimous, unintelligent, unstable, greedy for food. Has persistent likes and dislikes, of intolerant habits and fond of water.
  3. Vanaspatya Kaya:
    One who is lazy, exclusively devoted to the business of eating and devoid of mental faculties.