
DR. Shivani Agrawal

Following a particular regimen and lifestyle according to the seasonal changes is known as
Rutucharya in Ayurveda.
There are 6 seasons or ritu:

  1. Shishira Ritu – January, February, march
  2.  Vasanta Ritu- March , April, may
  3. Greeshma Ritu – May, June , July
  4.  Varsha Ritu – July, August, September
  5. Sarat Ritu – September, October , November
  6. Hemanta Ritu – November, December, January

Changes in our body when we are moving from Vasanta Ritu to Greeshma Ritu include:

  1. You may feel drained out throughout your day, as the body energy in this Ritu tends to
    be low.
  2.  The low energy is due to the weakening of Kapha dosha and increase of Vata dosha in
    our body.
  3. A feeling of wrung out or squeezed out might be there in your body due to an increase in
    sun’s intensity.
  4.  The basic digestive process also gets impaired.

Some lifestyle changes to be followed in Greeshma Ritu include:

  1.  One should sleep on a comfortable surface under a cold shelter with a running fountain
    in it.
  2.  Thin clothes made of cotton are advised to be worn.
  3.  Apply Chandan lepa over the body as it is one of the best coolant.
  4. Avoid heavy vyayama (exercise) which aggravates vata and pitta further in the summer
  5. Vyayama (exercise) in Greeshma ritu must be done earlier in the day and you must
    exert yourself less than usual. The cool down period after exercise must be longer.
  6. Take a bath before 8:00 am in the morning, preferably after a body massage.
  7. Avoid high sun exposure in summer, especially between 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM.
  8. FANNING with wet PALM leaves, large lotus leaves or ornamental fans made of
    peacock feathers is beneficial.

To avoid aggravating PITTA and VATA dosha, reduce salty, sour, pungent or spicy food.
Avoiding or reducing the intake of the following food is recommended:

  1. Pickle, papad, vinegar, tamarind, raw mango, sour fruits, raw papaya, salt cured dried
    vegetables like cluster beans.
  2. Packed Curd, cheese and other fermented milk products.
  3. Dishes made from processed flour, junk, sweet and deep fried dishes.
    For e.g.: Samosa, kachori, Naan, chips or papdi made of maida and other packed food items
    should be AVOIDED especially in this Ritu.
  4. The daily Dal And Sambhar should be more watery than usual.
  5.  Avoid alcohol intake at all costs especially in this season
  6. Avoid Intake of iced, frozen, and cold foods. AVOID ICE CREAMS – they are of NO GOOD.
    Stick to freshly squeezed fruit juices with some sugar.

Follow light and easy to digest food. Choose plenty of liquid food that are natural, and not
processed. Make sure to eat food which is more Madura (sweet), cold, liquid and unctuous in
Good Food habits for greeshma ritu:

  1. Polished semi polished (bran removed), white rice should be used in this season along with
    GHEE .
  2.  Drinks like fresh juices, aam panna, watermelon juice, pineapple juice, Sattu sharbat, papaya
    juice, jaljeera, coconut water, and barley water are recommended.
  3.  Churned lassi, shrikhand, and fresh buttermilk are very good for health.
  4. Custard prepared with banana, jackfruit stored in a claypot is a great recreational snack.
  5. Sugar cane juice is a panacea in summer as it helps with excess heat in our body.
  6. Seasonal fruits such as mango, muskmelon, jackfruit, jamun, watermelon etc. eaten whole
    are good for summer ( be careful to choose organic fruit grown without chemical contamination)
  7. Afternoon NAP is permitted only in Grishma ritu
  8. Also be in touch with an Ayurveda doctor for any other queries.