
Cure Sinusitis

Cure Sinusitis2023-10-24T12:18:29+00:00

Cure Sinusitis 

Date: 5th November 2023

Timing: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM IST 

Medium of Instruction: English

Facilitator: Dr. Champavathi

Register Now

For any payment related queries, please contact +91 7676969179(Call/WhatsApp) between 9AM – 6PM IST or email us at webinars.workshops@srisritattva.com


▪️Learn what sinusitis is and know how air pollution is affecting you.

▪️Know how sinusitis affects your sleep, daily routine and overall health.

▪️Find out how cold, cough and sinus problems affect your ears.

▪️Learn simple pranayama techniques for healthy airways.

▪️Discover simple home remedies for sinusitis.

▪️Get to know food and lifestyle tips for healthy sinus.

▪️Discover food recipes that help during sinus headaches.

▪️Learn the correct way to do steam inhalation.

▪️Learn the right way to sneeze and remove nasal secretions!

▪️Discover remedies for snoring, learn to cope up with sinus allergies.

▪️Witness demos of Pratimarsha Nasya, Kavala (gargling) and Gandusha (oil pulling). Learn the benefits of each.

▪️Lots more to discover!”

Your Health is our priority.
Together we will pursue a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Open to all, except those residing in European countries. For Programs in Europe, please write to info@srisritattva.eu